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New Mexico Summers

Winter is long gone and we have been eagerly waiting for warmer weather and now that it is here, COVID has really put a halt to many of the plans we had. We aren't letting it stop us completely, we have been adventuring on the weekends and we are planning our first camping trip this weekend so stay tuned for lots of mountain goodness! :)

We bought a pop up tent for our Jeep and are gonna try the overloading lifestyle for the weekend and we are so excited! I remember watching Alaskan Bush People and of course, they live completely off the land, but we have always been fascinated with living with minimal things and living somewhat off the land.

This past weekend, we packed up our Jeep and headed to Northern New Mexico. Our original plan was to check out Bandilier National Monument and their website said they were open but when we got there 2 hours later, the ladders were closed. They have some ladders that you can ascend and explore each of the old Native's homes. That's what we were wanted to do but we will have to do it again when COVID is over. We ended up hiking the beautiful trail and letting Kai play in the creek that ran through the trail. It was such a beautiful evening. Brandon pulled out our camera and snapped some great memories. His photography is really getting good! :)

I have been getting questions on our gear as well so I may be making a Gear post to show you all what we use. :)

Happy adventuring!



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